Revue de presse
Effects of Lupron and surgical castration on fecal androgen metabolite concentrations and intermale aggression in capybaras (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris). J.H. Yu et al. Zoo Biology. 2020;1–7.
Evaluation of potassium chloride administered via three routes for euthanasia of anesthetized koi (Cyprinus koi). M.M. Louis et al. JZWM, 2020. 51(3) :485-489
Pathologic findings in 36 sloths from Brazil. A.Arenalesetal.JZWM, 2020. 51(3) :672-677
Cloacal diseases in companion parrots: a retrospective study of 43 cases (2012-2018). K.S. Gill, P.J. Helmer. JAMS, 2020. 34(4):364-370